The 21st Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science and Technology


The 21st IDDST (Europe), takes place June 18 - 20, 2025 in Stockholm, Sweden, and will host leading scientists from the academia and outstanding international experts from industry worldwide, to discuss the latest developments in drug discovery and therapy. The program will offer complete updates of recent developments and present the latest results in the remarkable separate tracks. Main idea and target is to stimulate new creative ideas to translate new discoveries into better practice and application.
In session 504 Cardiovascular Diseases Drug R&D Pipelines ...

3rd International Heart Congress 2025


The congress takes place 2025 in Rome, Italy, from June 5 - 7.

The most important aspect of this congress is bridging science, innovation, and patient care with the focus on heart health.
The scientific sessions bring together experts from the fields of basic research, translational medicine, pharma R&D, and patient care in order to help to improve cardiovascular outcomes.

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